Thursday, September 21, 2006

Higher Hope Ministries

The vision of Higher Hope Ministries began four years ago on a mission trip to Miami. It was on this trip that I first saw the power to present the gospel of Jesus Christ using a simple twisted balloon. Since then my desire has grown to utilize this and other talents to take the message of God’s son to the world.
When God created us in His image I believe that God’s desire to create was imbedded in each of us. Look at painter as he paints or a carpenter as he finishes a new project. Everyone wants to stand back and I did that. I remember a recent drive by a park I had helped build many years ago and pointing out “I helped put those benches in.” I also believe this is the reason unproductive people have limited joy.
Every one of God’s people has a unique way in which he creates. Some create songs or painting or statues. Others create homes and sewer systems and business. Whatever talent or gift you have developed can be used to create. I also know that this desire to create can be used to the glory of God.
The purpose of Higher Hope Ministries is to train and draw out of God’s people these talents. Higher Hope Ministries will network with other Kingdom workers around the globe to put each person’s gifts to work. This process will begin by creating series of books and DVDs to train people in various creative ministry techniques. The next step will be to create performances and classes that teach audiences these principles. Then a team will be formed that will travel the US and eventually the world performing, evangelizing, and teaching. The ultimate goal is to create ten ministry teams with people who can use their gifts for storytelling and send them out all over the world to spend a month in an area. When the team is finished serving they will have trained new storytellers from the nationals that will continue to minister, replicate, and send out teams.
We seek to form partnerships around the world learning and assisting one another in Kingdom endeavors. I hope that God has caught you up in this vision and you will join me prayer over this and future endeavors.

In God we Trust,
Jason Vaughn

3 Mosspoint Dr.
Greenville, SC 29617
(864) 423-7139

Higher Hope Ministries Plan of Action

Phase One
This phase will begin by the production of a one-man show. There will be two shows designed. One will be for a Christian audience and the second for a secular audience in schools, libraries, etc. The shows will be completed by December 2006.

Phase Two:
The ministry will begin by writing and producing a series of books and DVDs on Bible Ballooning and creative ministry. These will create a training basis for this and other ministries. This will also act as a supplementary fund as the ministry is built. 50% of
the profits from the books and DVDs will be sown into other ministries. The goal is to have 2 books and 2 DVDs finished by May 2007.

Phase Three:
This phase will begin the construction of a creative ministry team. This team will consist of many talented and godly men and women. This group will travel around South Carolina and perform, evangelize, and disciple using their talents. Eventually, this
team will travel the US and then the world. The SC team will begin training in the summer of 2007 and traveling the in the fall. The team will begin a US tour in Dec of 2007 and a World tour in May of 08.

Phase Four:
The final phase will be the development of ten different creative ministry teams. These teams will travel and work with groups around the world doing creative ministry. They will also train a team of nationals to use their talents, usually specific to that region, to do ministry as well. These teams will be in place by Jan. 2010.

*The primary method of these teams will be storying.

Prayer Concerns:
Steady income for those involved that the weekends can be freed for ministry.
A quick and successful publication of books and DVDs.
That God will raise up a team of committed believers that will understand this kingdom vision.
That God will place experienced ministers as mentors for team members.
That churches will understand the need for their members to use talents for building God’s kingdom.
That experienced accountants and lawyers will be lead to assist in the technical construction of this ministry.
For training materials for team members.
For our ministry partner: Harvest Fields International, a group of devoted believers ministering to the Lenca Indians of Honduras by reaching the orphans and widows. Our ministry has dedicated 25% of all profits from the sale of books and CDs to this ministry.