Friday, May 18, 2007

Nationwide Tour

On July 10th, Jason Vaughn of Higher Hope Entertainment will embark on a nationwide ministry tour. He will visit every state in the continental United States and present a message that will change the way you view your place of ministry. “Created to Create” is a message that will help you and your congregation discover their unique gifts and ways to use them in the advancement of God’s kingdom. Jason is not only a licensed minister, but a talented balloon entertainer. He will use these skills to begin this sermon with a gospel presentation geared toward children. If two services are organized while Jason is available in the area he would love to teach on his hearts passion “The fatherhood of God.” This message will bless the heart of the perfect or the prodigal son. It will show the lost their way home and those already home a clearer face of their father.

The trip will end early November as Jason stops in Cincinnati, OH for Balloon Town USA (, where he will join dozens of other balloon artists to build the world’s largest three dimensional balloon sculpture using 150,000 balloons. The project will be toured by thousands and donations will be given to support multiple charities.

This trip has been a dream for many years and now God has begun opening the doors to make this dream a reality. Prayerfully, you will decide to partner in with many others in this effort to reach people all over this great nation with the good news of Jesus Christ.

There are many possibilities for your partnership.

The first place we always start is in prayer. Pray that God would prepare the hearts of those that will hear the Word. Pray that God will not only give the resources necessary, but that He will give abundantly to fill not only our needs but our desires as well. Pray that those that know the Lord will grow closer to Him and find a place to serve and minister.

The second way you can help is by booking Jason at your church or other event. Below is the list of place Jason will be in each state and the dates he will be there. Remember you can organize special events for the summer and fall for Jason to speak of perform (Summer Fun Day, Family Picnic, Back to School, Harvest/ Fall Festival). Jason is an expert at organizing events and will be pleased to assist you.

The third way you can assist this project is by donating items, gift certificates, or money. Jason has the talent and the drive, but needs your help with the funds. Some items that are needed: AAA premium membership, sleeping bag, many balloons, balloon pumps, balloon DVDs, a cooler, clothes, gas, oil changes/ tune ups, food, snacks, water, hotel rooms/ spare rooms, rent and utilities (I’ll be taking 5 months off and need to keep up with responsibilities at home).

Thank you for your time and prayers and please pass this along to others as that is the best way to raise awareness is word of mouth.

Jason Vaughn

Higher Hope Entertainment

301 Surfside Dr. A4

Goose Creek, SC 29445

(864) 423-7139

Date Location

July 10 Buford, GA

July 12 Clearwater, FL

July 15 Alabama

July 17 Mississippi

July 19 Independence, LA

July 21 Pocahontas, AR

July 23 MO (Hopefully to meet some friends from

July 30 Kansas City, KS

Aug. 2 Oklahoma

Aug. 4 Cedar Hill, TX

Aug. 7 New Mexico

Aug. 9 Denver, CO

Aug. 12 Provo, UT

Aug. 14 Surprise, AZ

Aug. 17 Las Vegas, NV

Aug. 20-29 Various CA cities

Aug. 30 Oregon

Sept. 2 Vancouver, WA

Sept. 4 Pocatello, ID

Sept. 6 Montana

Sept. 9 North Dakota

Sept. 11 Sioux Falls, SD

Sept. 13 La Grange, WY

Sept. 15 Omaha, NE

Sept.17 Des Moines, IA

Sept. 19 Minnesota

Sept. 21 Wisconsin

Sept. 23-27 Chicago, IL (MBD2 Balloon Jam)

Sept. 28 Nashville, TN

Sept. 30 Raleigh, NC

Oct. 2 Richmond, VA

Oct. 4 Delaware

Oct. 6 New Jersey

Oct. 8 Connecticut

Oct. 10 Cranston, RI

Oct. 12 Boston, MA

Oct. 14 Maine

Oct. 16 New Hampshire

Oct. 18 Vermont

Oct. 20 Rochester, New York (See the finished Balloon Manor)

Oct. 22 Gettysburg, PA

Oct. 24 Maryland (Working with Joel Rainey)

Oct. 26 West Virginia

Oct. 28 Kentucky

Oct. 30 Hartford City, IN

Nov. 1 Battle Creek, MI

Nov. 3 Cincinnati, OH (Balloon Town USA)