Thursday, September 21, 2006

Higher Hope Ministries

The vision of Higher Hope Ministries began four years ago on a mission trip to Miami. It was on this trip that I first saw the power to present the gospel of Jesus Christ using a simple twisted balloon. Since then my desire has grown to utilize this and other talents to take the message of God’s son to the world.
When God created us in His image I believe that God’s desire to create was imbedded in each of us. Look at painter as he paints or a carpenter as he finishes a new project. Everyone wants to stand back and I did that. I remember a recent drive by a park I had helped build many years ago and pointing out “I helped put those benches in.” I also believe this is the reason unproductive people have limited joy.
Every one of God’s people has a unique way in which he creates. Some create songs or painting or statues. Others create homes and sewer systems and business. Whatever talent or gift you have developed can be used to create. I also know that this desire to create can be used to the glory of God.
The purpose of Higher Hope Ministries is to train and draw out of God’s people these talents. Higher Hope Ministries will network with other Kingdom workers around the globe to put each person’s gifts to work. This process will begin by creating series of books and DVDs to train people in various creative ministry techniques. The next step will be to create performances and classes that teach audiences these principles. Then a team will be formed that will travel the US and eventually the world performing, evangelizing, and teaching. The ultimate goal is to create ten ministry teams with people who can use their gifts for storytelling and send them out all over the world to spend a month in an area. When the team is finished serving they will have trained new storytellers from the nationals that will continue to minister, replicate, and send out teams.
We seek to form partnerships around the world learning and assisting one another in Kingdom endeavors. I hope that God has caught you up in this vision and you will join me prayer over this and future endeavors.

In God we Trust,
Jason Vaughn

3 Mosspoint Dr.
Greenville, SC 29617
(864) 423-7139

Higher Hope Ministries Plan of Action

Phase One
This phase will begin by the production of a one-man show. There will be two shows designed. One will be for a Christian audience and the second for a secular audience in schools, libraries, etc. The shows will be completed by December 2006.

Phase Two:
The ministry will begin by writing and producing a series of books and DVDs on Bible Ballooning and creative ministry. These will create a training basis for this and other ministries. This will also act as a supplementary fund as the ministry is built. 50% of
the profits from the books and DVDs will be sown into other ministries. The goal is to have 2 books and 2 DVDs finished by May 2007.

Phase Three:
This phase will begin the construction of a creative ministry team. This team will consist of many talented and godly men and women. This group will travel around South Carolina and perform, evangelize, and disciple using their talents. Eventually, this
team will travel the US and then the world. The SC team will begin training in the summer of 2007 and traveling the in the fall. The team will begin a US tour in Dec of 2007 and a World tour in May of 08.

Phase Four:
The final phase will be the development of ten different creative ministry teams. These teams will travel and work with groups around the world doing creative ministry. They will also train a team of nationals to use their talents, usually specific to that region, to do ministry as well. These teams will be in place by Jan. 2010.

*The primary method of these teams will be storying.

Prayer Concerns:
Steady income for those involved that the weekends can be freed for ministry.
A quick and successful publication of books and DVDs.
That God will raise up a team of committed believers that will understand this kingdom vision.
That God will place experienced ministers as mentors for team members.
That churches will understand the need for their members to use talents for building God’s kingdom.
That experienced accountants and lawyers will be lead to assist in the technical construction of this ministry.
For training materials for team members.
For our ministry partner: Harvest Fields International, a group of devoted believers ministering to the Lenca Indians of Honduras by reaching the orphans and widows. Our ministry has dedicated 25% of all profits from the sale of books and CDs to this ministry.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


So my roommate had a lot of his friends over last night and I feel really different around them. They all pretty much work together and they are all nice people, but it seems that their job is the only real connection they have. Most of the conversations were spent talking about people at work or what happened at work. My mind just cannot grasp that reality anymore. It seems that the past days, months, years events are the most important things. Personally, once my work is through I prefer to move on.
When I’m with my theatre friends life seems focused on the now and what is to come next and when I’m with my business friends it is always about the future and the exciting things that are coming on with our teams and how amazing life is and how it is getting even better.
They say high school was the best years of our lives. What a load of crock! I don’t know about you but next year is going to be the best year of my life and the one after that will be even better. When I turn 93, it will be a better year than when I turn 92. And just to make sure there are no misunderstandings, life is amazing right now.
As we get older we grow wiser, our relationships with others are strengthened, and our relationship with God is constantly renewed and improving. If you are lucky enough to be in a business team like mine your finances and lifestyle are improving daily as well. As long as we know who we are and whose we are tomorrow will be better than today no matter the circumstances.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Diamond in the dessert

Diamonds in the Desert

I doubt many of you have read the book “Dream Giver” by Bruce Wilkinson, but I would highly suggest it. In the book he writes of a point in which ever dreamer goes through a wasteland where it seems nothing is going right. He also writes that in this wasteland God, the Dream Giver, will provide various blessings to help you make it through the wasteland. Well ladies and gentlemen it seems I have been in the wasteland for quite a while concerning my dreams. Last night, though, I received a blessing in this dessert.
As some of you know part of me calling is to minister to those rejected by the church, specifically the gay community. Because of some trials in my past God has specifically equipped me to do this work. Well last night I received an IM that helped affirm this work. A few months ago I was searching through Xanga and came across a young man’s blog. The guy is gay and was contemplating cutting himself again; apparently he had done so in the past. For some reason God moved me to IM this young man. We talked and I told him of Christ love for him, but he was extremely negative. I didn’t try to force it down him so I changed the topic and made him look at the positives in his life. As we ended the conversation I felt it had not gone well at all. Anyway this is the young man that IM last night. I didn’t even remember him at first then I went back to his Xanga to remind myself. I found an interesting entry from the day after we talked the first time. He said that while he was thinking of cutting some guy named Jason from SC IMed him. Apparently something I said was used of God to change his mind and keep him from cutting. You have no idea how much I needed to hear that. I’ve been praying for God to let me be used to show his love and three months after it happened I find he had already let me. On the brink of giving up God showed me a brief reminder of what I am doing and being prepared for in this wasteland and that if I keep going I will reach the dream he has placed in my heart.
I hope all of you will be on the look out for your diamonds in the dessert as you chase your dreams. God is faithful to help you even when you can’t see him at work directly.

Jason Vaughn

P.S. Please be in prayer for Dan, the teen I was speaking of, as he still has not come to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

V for IMB

I have recently become a fan of the movie V for Vendeta. I actually watched twice in theatres. In the movie the government has complete control and all those who speak out against it are executed. While I still believe that the truths of this movie may be a good distance off for the United States, I fear that it may not be as far off for the Southern Baptist Convention. As some of you know in Nov. 2005 the International Mission Board (IMB) implemented two new policies. The first concerns a “private prayer language,” stating that any IMB missionary applicant that claims such a private “gift” will not be allowed to serve as an IMB missionary. The second stated that the applicant must not only have been baptized by immersion, but in a church that holds to eternal security. If they have not been baptized in such a way they can apply with their church for “re-baptism.” The purpose of this letter is not to refute these heretical and divisive policies, but to address another policy that was adopted last week.
After these policies were passed, several IMB trustees spoke and wrote publicly against these policies. One trustee, Wade Burleson, was recommended for removal from the board because of statements made on his blog, This was recently rescinded after strong backlash from many in the convention. Since this attempt failed to silence him, the IMB decided to adopt a new manual. In the previous manual, know as “The Blue Book,” trustees were encouraged to report back to their people about the happenings in the IMB, this includes allowing for dissent. The new policy, which supersedes “The Blue Book,” states "Individual IMB trustees must refrain from public criticism of Board approved actions." So now dissent has been banned.
Anytime a change for greatness has been made it has started with a few men. Now those with the most powerful voices to make a change have been silenced, but the most authoritative have to be heard. In the Southern Baptist Convention our ultimate authority is the Word of God. That Word has been completely left out of all supporting arguments. Not one thread of Scriptural data has been presented in defense. Also, in Southern Baptist churches new policies are to come from the bottom up. Our policy decision makers are to be the people in the pews. The Scripture is the foundation and the elect are the first floor of our convention.
Now is the time that we as Southern Baptist must stand together. We must let it be known that while we are in full favor of a conservative, God-centered statement of faith such as the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message we refuse to lightly accept extra biblical interpretation that is non-essential and has been interpreted in varying ways throughout history. We must become informed on what is going on with the IMB policies.
If they are willing to enforce policies that go beyond our conventions stance and then quite all those in dissent what will they attack next? Reformed theology, local church autonomy (which is already under attack), worship styles, etc.? We as Southern Baptist have a uniting statement of faith in Christ, and we must protect the right to disagree on non-essential elements of the faith.
We were formed because some believed that certain people should not be allowed as missionaries and today we make the same mistakes that were made back then. I pray it does not require another division to realize our folly.
Please take the time to learn of what is happening inside the IMB and what it truly means. Then the trustees and let them know that you appreciate their work and heart for missions, but also wish the IMB to remain scripturally sound. Please pray for those on both sides of the issues, and realize that whether you agree with the policies or not the option for vocal dissent should always be an option lest we fall into a world where a bomb is believed to be more powerful than a prayer (in any language).

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

IMB Challenges

So the semester is finally up and going. Break was awesome and I had a lot of dun. I actually didn't fight with my dad over break; of course I wasn't home much anyway. So I'm not taking many classes. I have 13 hours: Systematic Theology II, Acting I, Missions Practicum II, and Senior Seminar. Even though I have so few classes I have a lot of papers. For ST I am writing one on the Fatherhood of God, for Senior Seminar I get to write about the implications of the new IMB policies on the local church, and I get to take a two week tour of Europe and spread the gospel to my travel companions for missions’ practicum. It will be hard work, but I think I'll learn a lot.
I got my business back up and running and its going awesome. Tye decided to join the team and she really is amazing me and setting a high standard for everyone to hold to. There is a lot of interest on campus and I'm really excited about helping some people find a way to do what God has placed on their hearts. I've just been amazed at watching the team I work with because I think it is the first time I've really been around men, not males. Men that love their wives, their God, and those around them. I am extremely proud to be part of this. I also got a new website The password is Freedom.
So for those of you that don't know the IMB has just got me furious over their new policies. For a good explanation of the policies go to or and read his Dec. 10 entry. Basically one states that anyone that has ever spoken in tongues even in a private prayer language is not eligible for service with the IMB, and the other states the only acceptable baptism is that essentially only those baptized by a southern Baptist pastor in a southern Baptist church is not acceptable. They must apply for re-baptism to be eligible for service. I personally have no problem calling this a pure heresy.
First, let us take the prayer language. I do not fully understand the biblical position of tongues. I personally believe that tongues are meant to be real human lang. for the purpose of the spreading of the gospel and the edification of the church. The other is the private prayer language. I have no idea what this means. I believe that as rational beings we prayer as whole beings through the language we speak and using our minds and our emotions. But there is also evidence in Scripture that the Holy Spirit will at times intercede. I believe this occurs at times of intense prayer and refuse to limit the working of God by saying this does not exist.
Second, is the issue of baptism. Baptism is a symbol and practice ordained by God to make a public profession of faith. This is our first public profession (not walking the aisle). To say that this must be done by a certain person in a certain place just because we disagree with them doctrinally is preposterous. We have one Lord, one faith, one hope, and one BAPTISM. Yes they are to be immersed, but to say someone must be re-baptized because the man God ordained to bring them to salvation holds to some incorrect doctrines is insane heresy. I’m so mad it gives me a headache to think about it.
Anyway, I’m doing a paper on these policy effects on the local church. Its going to be great. Be in prayer for our convention, our IMB missionaries, the trustees, and the IMB president and staff. They are all great people and want to glorify God. We just have some people that are going about it the wrong way. For more information see and . Soli Deo Gloria, Jason Vaughn.
1. My hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
but wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ the solid rock I stand,
all other ground is sinking sand;
all other ground is sinking sand.

2. When Darkness veils his lovely face,
I rest on his unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale,
my anchor holds within the veil.

3. His oath, his covenant, his blood
supports me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way,
he then is all my hope and stay.

4. When he shall come with trumpet sound,
O may I then in him be found!
Dressed in his righteousness alone,
faultless to stand before the throne!